Sophia Rankin & The Sound at 191 Toole

Sophia Rankin & The Sound Tickets

191 Toole | Tucson, Arizona

Alternative fans everywhere were excited to hear their best loved alternative artist is on the road again for winter, 2022! It's been a long time coming by music lovers all over the state! You'll know by now, the magnificent and iconic Sophia Rankin & The Sound thrashing out all the hits in January! This brilliant alternative night is going to take place in the supreme venue for alternative music in the state, the superb 191 Toole, Tucson, Arizona, it's well known holding massive tours like Sophia Rankin & The Sound. Book now for the excellent evening on Friday 28th January 2022, there is a minimal amount of tickets available so this is your window of opportunity, follow the link to pay this instant!

Sophia Rankin & The Sound at 191 Toole

Coming to the top venue for music in the whole of Arizona, is the epic, Sophia Rankin & The Sound, the most exciting alternative act of today, on another US wide tour for winter, 2022! As said previously Sophia Rankin & The Sound is playing at the best venue in town this January, the legendary, the epic, 191 Toole, Tucson, Arizona, it's devilishly well known for it's excellent service, has great parking, an abundance of food options as well as being a stones throw away from the best places in town! Visitors are always happy, it's a great place to enjoy your favourite act. Sophia Rankin & The Sound tickets for the huge night on Friday 28th January 2022 are already flying out, so purchasing soon would be a good idea. You can book right away, simply click the buy button above now, strike while the iron is hot!

Sophia Rankin & The Sound at 191 Toole

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